News 01 | 01
Features on the drug industry, interviews, events focusing on healthcare products, etc.
Welcome to the UbiPharm group news centre which is exclusively aimed at healthcare professionals such as laboratory workers and pharmacists.
In accordance with French law, the Economic et Social Unit (ESU), comprising the four specialist subsidiaries PlanetPharma, Gesca, DII and D.T. Pharma, publish their gender equality index. The companies in the UES achieved a score of 91 out of 100 for the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
As a reminder, the gender equality index is an overall score made up of four or five indicators (depending on the size of the company):
- average pay gap between men and women ;
- difference in the rate of individual pay rises ;
- percentage of employees receiving a pay rise on return from maternity leave;
- number of women in the ten highest-paid positions.
**The table with the results is only available in French
Following the Board of Directors meeting of UbiPharm Madagascar and the French companies of the UbiPharm group, on Friday 8 November 2024, UbiPharm Madagascar celebrated a major milestone: its 10ᵉ anniversary. The event, held at the Novotel in Antananarivo, marked a decade of success in pharmaceutical distribution in Madagascar. Attended by customers, staff and partners, the festive evening provided an opportunity to look back on the achievements of the past ten years while being focused on the future.
UbiPharm Gabon launched its UbiAcademy Week on 28, 29, 30 May and 4 June 2024. The event brought together 268 pharmacists for four days of intensive training. Speakers included Dr Awore and Mr Ndomo from UbiPharm Gabon, as well as Ms Xaviera Nzamba and Mr Akoumbou.
Key figures such as Dr KonKobo Sibiri, Africa Director, and Mr Kouamé Thierry, UbiPharm Director and CEO of DII, were also present. Always with the aim of being a company that grows with its partners, this event aims to ensure controlled growth and to improve the skills of everyone involved.
First aid training for pharmacists in Guadeloupe
Last May, the UBIPHARM-GUADELOUPE team organised first aid training in pharmacies with partner JS SECOURISME.
Behind the scenes of the transtocker, one of our tools for making medicines accessible in Africa and the Droms.
In this captivating video, Mr Hervé GUESSENND, Managing Director and Head Pharmacist, and Mr Yann GUIRIEC, Director of General and IT Services at PlanetPharma, take us exclusively behind the scenes of our Transtocker, a tool where technology meets precision to ensure efficient and secure management of essential pharmaceutical products.
Discover this stacker crane, an automatic pallet warehouse that's 32 metres high! It manages the storage of 11,500 pallets on 17 levels with maximum speed and safety. It also guarantees maximum optimisation of space and unrivalled operational efficiency.
Today and tomorrow you're in good hands. 👐
Take a look back at the Homecare Week which took place in January 2024 at UbiPharm Martinique and UbiPharm Guadeloupe.
Following the success of this event, we are delighted to announce that new sessions will be organised this year. This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to provide quality services and products to improve the health of our customers.
Representatives of UbiPharm, in particular:
Mr Bertrand GBOHO- Managing Director D.T. Pharma and Coordinator of the Group's Dromian subsidiaries,
Mr Mathieu ACQUISTO - Managing Director UbiPharm Guyane
Mr Philippe Grilh - Operations Manager PlanetPharma
and Mrs Armelle KOUAKOU - Distribution Manager PlanetPharma,
took part in two student events: the Salon des Etudiants in Poitiers and the General Meeting of the Association Nationale des Étudiants en Pharmacie de France. This participation enabled UbiPharm to meet students in the pharmaceutical professions.
As part of our ‘In Good Hands 2024’ event, on 12 March 2024, around twenty partners from our Drom subsidiaries honoured us with a behind-the-scenes tour of UbiPharm, and simultaneously the premises of PlanetPharma, the Group's Export Wholesale Distributor, in Le Grand Quevilly, in the Rouen region of mainland France.
After a warm welcome from the teams, the guests began the day with a tour of the PlanetPharma warehouse, where the ultra-modern stacker crane system captured everyone's attention. Representatives had the opportunity to discover how this revolutionary technology optimises the storage and distribution of pharmaceutical products, ensuring their rapid and efficient availability.
On 8 March, UbiPharm subsidiaries got together to celebrate International Women's Rights Day.
The UbiPharm Group responded brilliantly to the call for International Women's Rights Day on 8 March 2024, highlighting this year's inspiring theme: ‘Investing in women: accelerating the pace.’
Subsidiaries in countries where UbiPharm operates demonstrated their commitment to gender equality and inclusion by organising various events. To name but a few:
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire
Among others, women from the Group's Togolese subsidiary took part in an enriching training course entitled ‘Optimising your impact at work: PNR tools and practices with a focus on inheritance law’. The aim of this initiative was to strengthen the participants' professional skills while raising their awareness of the crucial aspects of inheritance law.
All the gatherings that took place created a space for exchange and learning
allowing women to connect and inspire each other.
Between January and March 2024, the General Managers and Management of the UbiPharm Group took part in two strategic seminars. The first session was held in Fort-De-France, Martinique, from 14 to 19 January 2024, while the second took place in Rouen, France, from 4 to 8 March 2024.
During these two weeks, the team received training in project management and shared their experiences of continuous improvement practices within their respective subsidiaries. The common objective remains to innovate in order to transform the distribution and distribution models for healthcare solutions, making them more accessible in Africa and the French overseas departments and territories.
In accordance with French law, the Economic et Social Unit (ESU), comprising the four specialist subsidiaries PlanetPharma, Gesca, DII and D.T. Pharma, publish their gender equality index. The companies in the UES achieved a score of 92 out of 100 for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
As a reminder, the gender equality index is an overall score made up of four or five indicators (depending on the size of the company):
- average pay gap between men and women ;
- difference in the rate of individual pay rises ;
- percentage of employees receiving a pay rise on return from maternity leave;
- number of women in the ten highest-paid positions.
**The table with the results is only available in French
The human resources teams of the UbiPharm group's subsidiaries held their seminar from 1 to 6 February 2024 in Lomé, Togo.
At this annual meeting, participants were given training in areas such as forward-looking management of jobs and skills, and the role of branding in internal communication. The teams also took the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss management issues.
The event ended on a high note with a convivial excursion to discover the Womé waterfall in Kpalimé, also in Togo.
In recognition of its outstanding services to the international customs community, UbiPharm Togo, represented by its Managing Director, Dr Isdine LAOUROU, was honoured by the World Customs Organisation last quarter. This recognition took place on the occasion of International Customs Day 2024, on 26 January.
This year's theme was: “For a Customs that mobilises its historical and new partners around clear objectives”. This theme is a strategic call to action, encouraging us to broaden our perspectives, to be creative in our thinking, and to adopt innovative approaches.
The certificate underlines UbiPharm Togo's commitment to strengthening global collaboration in customs matters, by effectively mobilising its partners. This distinction testifies to the excellence and exceptional contribution of UbiPharm Togo to the promotion of clear objectives in the field of international trade. A well-deserved honour for their leadership and dedication to the continuous improvement of customs worldwide.
Congratulations to the team working in Togo !
Following a visit by the UbiPharm teams to the University of Limoges in November 2023, we were delighted to welcome in our headquarter 7 students from the Master 2 "Pharmaceutical Distribution" course at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Limoges on Thursday 21 December 2023. A day dedicated to exploration, learning, and sharing.
Special encounters
Our guests had the opportunity to interact with UbiPharm representatives:
- Mr GBOHO, Managing Director of D.T. Pharma and coordinator of the French overseas department and territories subsidiaries;
- Ms RIQUET, Director of Pharmaceutical Affairs at PlanetPharma - the Group's wholesale export distributor;
- Mr ACQUISTO, Managing Director of UbiPharm Guyane.
The UbiPharm Fondation has reaffirmed its commitment to education in the Congo by officially handing over a new school building to Collège Nkouka-Boussoumbou in Madibou, in Brazzaville's eighth arrondissement. The ceremony, which took place on December 4, 2023, was honored by the presence of the Minister of Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education and Literacy, Jean-Luc MOUTHOU.
The Minister expressed his gratitude, underlining the importance of responding to the Head of State's educational vision. "It's a tremendous feeling of joy to be part of the Head of State's vision by offering Congolese schoolchildren school infrastructure as close as possible to their homes. This is our commitment and our priesthood", declared Minister Jean-Luc Mouthou.
A modernized education building
The refurbished building comprises three classrooms and a modern administrative block including the principal's office, the director of studies' office, the bursar's office, the teachers' lounge, the secretariat, the general supervisor's office and modern toilets. Renovation work has also been carried out on the student toilets.
The Board of Directors of UbiPharm Group and the Executive Committee announces with great sympathy that Dr Youssif El Hadj MADOUGOU, Trustee of the UbiPharm Group and Chairman of the Board of Directors of UbiPharm Niger from 2018 to 2020, has passed away on 14 December 2023.
The UbiPharm Group and all its companies offer their sincere condolences to the bereaved family and assure them of their compassion in these difficult times.
On November 22nd 2023 in Thiès, Senegal, the management of UbiPharm Senegal invited its customers to a meeting dedicated to exchange and collaboration. This event explored two crucial themes:
This atmosphere of openness and transparency strengthens the relationship between UbiPharm Senegal and its partners, creating a true spirit of collaboration.
On November 9, 2023, UbiPharm Senegal, a major player in the pharmaceutical sector, held a gala dinner to celebrate its thirtieth anniversary at the King Fahd Palace Hotel in Dakar.
The event was marked by an exceptional evening full of emotion, and brought together almost 300 participants, including customers, staff and partners, creating a festive atmosphere.
On November 10, 2023, Mr Bertrand GBOHO, General Manager of D.T. Pharma and French territories coordinator, and Ms Célia RIQUET, Director of Pharmaceutical Affairs at PlanetPharma, met students from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Limoges.
This meeting with the second year Master's students in the "Pharmaceutical Distribution" class turned out to be much more than a simple corporate presentation of the UbiPharm group. It was a warm meeting, conducive to exchange and discussion, offering the students an insight into the world of UbiPharm, and helping them to understand the Company.
The UbiPharm vision
With Mr GBOHO and Ms RIQUET’s presentation, the students were able to discover the UbiPharm ecosystem, comprising 19 African and French territories subsidiaries, each playing a key role in public health in their country or region. They enabled the class to understand the scope of the opportunities that could be offered to them in this diversified Group.
An enriching exchange
The students appreciated the presentation, which was unequivocally beneficial for those wishing to pursue a career in pharmaceutical distribution. They were able to witness the company's determination to look to the future, by helping them becoming the professionals of tomorrow.
On the morning of Sunday, October 8, Baie-Mahault in Guadeloupe was transformed into a vast terrain of solidarity, health and awareness during the second annual Foulées du Ruban Rose. The event, organized by the eponymous association, brought together 2,500 participants, including 28 UbiPharm Guadeloupe employees and partner pharmacists, as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of UbiPharm Guadeloupe, Mr. Abdoulaye TRAORÉ. The famous Miss & Mister Guadeloupe were also present, accompanied by a troupe of dancers.
The month of October is designated worldwide as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Pink October campaign mobilizes the general public in the fight against the disease. It was in this spirit that Les Foulées du Ruban Rose was born. The initiative aims to boost awareness and prevention of breast cancer, while supporting those affected by the disease.